a World Between the Pages: Exploring Zines at photomafia studios

Zines are not your typical magazine found on shop shelves, nor are they standard photobooks showcased in galleries, they occupy a unique space between the two. Typically an A6 to A5 booklet, these self-published books are used by artists to showcase their work in unique and personal ways, providing a context to the art produced that doesn’t necessarily come through when viewed as images on a screen or hanging up at an exhibition.

A collection of zines previously featured at Photomafia Studios

At the studio, we've embraced zines as both a personal and collective endeavor. Not only have we produced zines for our own projects but we’ve also recognised the absence of a dedicated space for zine sales within our town. To address this, we opened our doors to zine creators, offering them a space to sell their creations through our creative exhibitions and pop ups. By doing this we hope to spotlight the work of talented artists within our community.

We’ve got a collection of zines available on our online shop we aim to not only share our creative pursuits but also contribute to the accessibility and visibility of zine culture. Through these efforts, we hope to continue to foster a vibrant and supportive environment for zine creators and enthusiasts alike, enriching the artistic landscape of Northampton that is showing itself more and more.


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