photomafia studios goes back to uni

Alex leading the talk (let’s hope he doesn’t say anything weird)

Yes we let alex lead a talk…

In December 2023 we were fortunate to be invited back to our old University - The University of Northampton by architectural photographer and previous Photomafia Studios OG Thomas Maguire, to give a talk to 1st year Photography students on what to expect from the course and how to think about their work from a freelance and business perspective.

Tom demonstrating some of his client work (click to be taken to Tom’s IG)

This was a cool opportunity for us as the idea for Photomafia Studios spawned during our time at University, so to come back and share our journey with the new generation of photographers felt like a full circle moment.

The heart of our discussion revolved around our impact on the local creative scene. We knew firsthand the hurdles of transforming a passion into a sustainable business and starting out we lacked an established network, and so we set out to build it ourselves.

Our strategy? Engaging deeply with clients and hosting a series of art and photography exhibitions in our studio. These events weren't just showcases; they became prime areas for future collaborations, opening doors for ourselves and fellow creatives alike.

Alex and Joe showcasing a BTS photo from a Studio Hire that week

Fast forward to now (March 2024) and Photomafia Studios remains strong, packed with a variety of clients and creatives flowing in and out of our studio doors. Our marketing efforts, driven by word of mouth and strong social media traction have paid off in ways we couldn't have imagined. As we continue to grow, we carry with us the lessons learned from those early days and hope that our crazy journey can help inspire the students of today to follow their own creative goals.


Have you been to one of our Exhibitions?